October has been a blast! Fall Break and back-to-back groups have kept us extra busy. Come check out the adventures from this month at Makanalani!
A Busy Kids House!
We’ve been busy this month! Nearly all of October has been filled with different groups at the Kids House. We had youth adventures with Kapaa Missionary Church and their Family Camp, Reflame Ministries in their annual visit from Oahu, and Nahele Wawae homeschool keiki coming over to visit the animals! On top of that we had CBI Students staying with us during their local youth outreach time, and more!
Such a fun season filled to the brim with community and activities. Our interns got to play a part in some of these days, taking kids around the farms and leading activities like the slip and slide! Making these special days even more memorable for all!

Intern Adventures
This month of the Hawaii Leadership Residency has been progressing right along! These interns are getting into a rhythm with their work and routines that allow them more time of fun as well! On top of their normal responsibilities and teachings, they got the chance to get away and stay a weekend up at Camp Hale Koa in Kokee. Taking time for some important rest and getting the chance to see more of the beauty of Kauai!