Spring Break at Makanalani… Young Life College Group, Kalaheo Missionary Church, Intern of the Week

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Spring break at Makanalani was incredible. A YoungLife college group from Oahu and the Big island stayed at Makanalani, as well as a group from Kalaheo Missionary Church right here on Kauai. For some of the college students, this was their first trip to Kauai. They were able to spend time with old friends, make new friends, and spend time growing closer to God during their time away from home. For some of the students at Kalaheo Missionary church, this was their first time to Makanalani. They spent their time exploring the property, doing team building with one another, as well as taking time to worship and learn to remain stoked on God and life with Him even after they return home from camp. It was a pleasure hosting both groups!

This weeks intern of the week is Mia. Mia came to do the internship from North Carolina. She used to have a garden of her own, enjoys tasks that involve small details, is such a joy to be around, and loves walking barefoot whenever she gets the chance

1. Can you give a brief summary about how you found out about the internship?
“I found out about this internship through a close friend of mine who was also applying. We met for coffee one day to catch up, he told me about the internship and that it’s mission was to help kids and give back to the community. I immediately felt led to jump on board, so I applied the same day.”

2. What have you been learning since you’ve arrived?
“God has really been showing me what true service based leadership looks like; that it’s not something that’s completely self-sacrificing. You have to also grow and take care of yourself in order to use your full potential. The whole saying, ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup.’ That was part of the puzzle I’d always been missing, and has been a huge milestone for me even though it’s such a simple concept.”

3. What has been one of your favorite things so far about the internship and the island?
“Easily my favorite part of both the internship and the island is how connected and surrounded by nature. Just being outside working with your hands is something that a lot of people don’t get now-a-days. It’s a very peaceful and simple lifestyle that is embraced on this island.”

​4. What has been the most challenging but rewarding?
“The most challenging thing for me so far has probably been our morning quiet time where we dive into our devotions. It definitely takes a certain discipline to get up early and focus on your studies, but it is such a valuable habit to instill. I love that this internship puts such a focus on setting the proper tone for your day. Regardless of the fact that I need five cups of coffee to even keep my eyes open lol.”

​5. What would be your advice to someone interested in applying?
“My advice to anyone applying is to keep your heart open to the experience, and always remember that you are making an impact. There will definitely be a lot of ups and downs, from living in community, to the hard work you put in on the farm, and all of the adventures you try to cram in. You will learn a lot of lessons, and make life-long friends.”

Our Mission: Giving children the seeds for growth as they experience the beauty of God’s creation and love.

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