While we generally like to stick to more positive subjects sometimes we find God pointing us to those in need. As we all are aware there are people currently going without their paychecks, and for those of us who live here on Kauai we know all too well how pricey goods, rent, gas, well just about everything can be on our beautiful island.
Some of these people currently going without are the very ones we owe our airport and ocean safety to, and we feel that it’s only good and right to give back to those who so selflessly aid others, even at their own risk.
Kauai Independent Food Bank is currently asking for extra donations to help these families through this difficult and temporary time. Gifts of non perishable foods can be dropped off at any County Fire Station on Kauai. Please also offer your prayers to all affected during this time.
To find out more about Kauai Independent Food Bank please click on their name to be taken to the website.
‘Acts 20:35
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’’