Last Week at a Glance… Community Service, Intern of the Week, & Arrival of the Fall Break Kids Camp!

From our newsletter. Don’t miss out, sign up for the Makanalani Newsletter here (scroll to the bottom of the page to enter your email).

‘This last week we partnered with Olelo Christian School in Lihue for our first community service day of the session! We met with the principal of the school, Mrs. Poole, and her husband, Mr. Poole to serve however they needed us. A few interns were able to help out in the classrooms. We taught lessons, cleaned classrooms, bathroom facilities, graded papers, and spent some time being with the students. Another group of interns went with Mr. Poole to serve an elderly man living in a low income housing community. During that service project we helped by cleaning out his home and made where he lives a better and healthier environment. It was amazing to see how this couple not only serves the students of Olelo, but also gives back to other communities with their time and service.

Each week I would like to introduce you to another intern! This week we have Parker. A SoCal lifeguard that loves the ocean, adventure, reggae music, and most importantly, the Lord. He is definitely the goofball of our group and we are all so thankful to know him and work alongside him each week! He brings a lot of energy, hard work, and never-ending laughs. Here is a little insight into why he has committed 3 months to serving the Lord in Kauai with Makanalani.

1. Can you give us a brief summary about how you found out about the internship? “In January 2018 I came to Hawaii on a solo trip to adventure and explore the island. Through some local networking I found a young adults bible study that housed the Makanalani interns and the rest is history!”

2. What has God been teaching you since you’ve arrived? “God has been teaching me that a relationship with Him is not always easy and that He allows us to grow stronger through the challenges of life.”

3. What has been one of your favorite things so far about the internship and the island? “My favorite part of the internship so far has been building relationships with the other interns. The community here is amazing! I’ve also been enjoying surfing and body surfing on my days off. Overall, the island is so beautiful and I’m blessed to be here.”

4. What has been the most challenging yet rewarding? “The most challenging thing so far has been learning to live with 7 other girls. They like to boss you around 😉 BUT I cannot be more thankful for their roles in the internship. They always step up to take care of the dudes, they love to serve and cook, and I love to eat. It’s a win win really.”

5. What would be your advice to someone interested in applying? “If you have the time and love to travel, serve, and be around the ocean then I strongly recommend you look into this internship. This 3 month trip isn’t only about having a good time, but will build character and teach you how to serve others and serve them well.”

This week our Fall Break Kids Camp kicked off at Makanalani! We had students from Lihue Missionary Church, Kapaa Missionary Church, and Kalaheo Missionary Church stay with us. Here are some snapshots from their arrival!!’

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Makanalani Kids, a Hawaiian Non-profit 501(C)3. Federal Tax ID number: 45-5079924

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