Held by re-Source for Christian Spirituality Dreaming Creation: A Women’s Overnight Retreat is a gift of time with God in Koke’e State Park. Held on July 15-16th from 5 pm Friday to 6 pm Saturday.
Judith Tripp leads exercises in this ‘Santucary for the Soul’ that will tune us into our deeper selves, inviting us to listen for our soul’s call within the sense of a trusted circle.
During this time you will experience: song and chant, labyrinth walking, sharing in trusted circle, art and dreaming, and nourishing and tasty meals. Also experience healing on a personal level, and receive clarity for the next steps in your spiritual journey.
The cost to register for this event is $85 and you can do so by calling Rev. Phyllis Meighen (UCC) on 647-4346 or by emailing spirituality@stmichaels-kauai.org or by visiting www.resourceforchristianspirituality.com