Climate change is of concern to everyone… most particularly though to farmers like us.
On January 19, the National Tropical Botanical Garden will be holding a talk on a more sustainable community at the Kauai Community College cafeteria. The talk will be given by Pamela “Rina” Gordon & is entitled: Climate Change and Kaua‘i: A Positive Response. It’s free, too, which we think is great for something so important.
The lecture will discuss how Kauai can play a role in creating a more sustainable global community. She’ll offer positive strategies she says can help protect Kauai’s rich biodiversity and natural resources from the impacts of climate change.
Strategies discussed will include renewable energy, design-for-environment principles, and circular-economy practices.
Ms. Gordon is a climate leader with the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, is also the author of Lean and Green: Profit for Your Workplace and the Environment. She works with educators, business leaders, politicians, and professionals as a climate change consultant.
For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations, please contact Margaret Clark at (808) 332-7324 ext. 225 in advance.