Plant a Flower for Mother on May 7

Of course we all love our mothers. And love of your mother is just one of the many many lessons of Jesus as well.

On Kauai there is a tradition that we think could do well to be expanded — instead of getting mom cut flowers that die, why not a living plant that can continue to delight throughout the year? And not just any plant, but one chosen & lovingly planted by her keiki? A plant carefully chosen & carefully tended, just as she cares for us throughout her life, for a mother is always a mother, no matter how old her children may grow.

On Saturday, May 7 from10am-1 pm there is just such a Mother’s Day Flower Planting Event at Kukui Grove. Keiki can decorate their own planter pot & choose a flower or herb plant for it. It’s only $5 to participate and all proceeds will go to benefit Malama Pono Health Services Woman’s Wellness Program, where they care for our mothers & mothers to be.

Info 245-7784,

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